Systems Thinking & Learning by Doing

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  • In this LAB/ we will focus on a glocal challenge, applying systems thinking in order to transform our project and team into a learning organization.
  • Knowledge on what is systems thinking and how to apply it Introduction to several mental models for systemic change
  • Experience & application of collaboration tools, drawn from the Art of Hosting body of practice
  • Competencies in developing scenarios and prototypes to glocal issues
  • Entrepreneurial and collaboration skills.

¿Cómo podemos afrontar de forma sistemática los desafíos y oportunidades que se nos presentan? En este LAB/ aprenderás a colaborar de forma radical aplicando metodologías como el pensamiento sistemático y el "learning by doing". Este curso intensivo se desarrollará íntegramente en inglés en dos sesiones los días 27 y 28 de Noviembre de 16 a 20h y de 10 a 18h.


The challenges and opportunities we face today require unlikely allies to collaborate in radically different ways, be it from education, health, water, housing, or other. In this LAB/ we will focus on a glocal challenge, applying systems thinking in order to transform our project and team into a learning organization. For this project, we will leverage on our global network, which will allow us to prototype our solutions on different realities, creating the conditions for radical learning by doing, enabling us to systemically face the challenges and opportunities of the XXI century. 
November 27th, from 16 to 20h
November 28th, from 10 to 18h
  • Day 1 we will dive into a simulation in which students will bring their own insights and expertise to a deep-dive into a topical glocal issue challenge. The simulation will include teaching ‘breaks’ which are periodic interventions to introduce new and relevant mental models that they students can immediately apply to their working through their challenge.
  • Day 2 starts with presenting the outcomes of the simulation and a collective debrief on learnings, to draw out key learnings for one’s own project/area of interest. The group moves into a ProAction Cafe which invites learning from the simulation to be applied to concrete projects.
Anyone who is concerned about the state of the world, and wants to do something about it.
  • This will be an interactive, peer to peer workshop, where we will move through a U process - from seeing the system to creating prototype solutions - on a glocal issue of concern.

  • Participants through tackling a global issue will be introduced to various mental models and tools that help them work through the complexity and find new ways forward.

  • The LAB/ will be largely peer-to-peer based, will combine research with intuitive sensing, validation and dedicated application to one’s own project/area of interest.

Tatiana Glad is a social entrepreneur, sustainability practitioner and change strategist, with a MSc in Responsible Business Practice and a dual business degree in entrepreneurship and international business. As co-founder of Impact Hub Amsterdam and Waterlution, she brings experience in tackling complex issues within diverse contexts including social enterprise, development work, public sector, corporate and multi-stakeholder environments.


En nuestra biblioteca encontrarás libros y recursos gratuitos para que puedas profundizar en aquellos temas que más te interesan. Hemos seleccionado para ti estos materiales sobre Innovación y Transformación digital:

6 libros imprescindibles sobre cómo innovar en los negocios (parte 1)

4 libros imprescindibles sobre cómo innovar en los negocios (parte 2)

8 videos para entender la transformación digital de los negocios