Public Speaking & Pitching

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Consejos y técnicas para que, en el momento de estar frente al público, todas las cosas salgan bien y por supuesto que el mensaje logre causar los efectos deseados en la audiencia.

Hablar en público es un arte que requiere de práctica para poder comunicar nuestras ideas y proyectos y llegar de forma efectiva a nuestros usuarios. ¿Necesitas mejorar tu pitching y no sabes cómo? Apúntate a este LAB de Teamlabs y podrás practicar tu técnica y desarrollar una mejor estrategia para tus presentaciones. Este curso intensivo se desarrollará íntegramente en inglés en dos sesiones los días 17 y 18 de Junio.


We've all marvelled at those who speak well in public - who pitch persuasively and present perfectly. Here's the thing: they weren't born standing in front of a crowd, delivering concise information in an allotted amount of time, making an argument using perfect articulation of their voice and body language; they worked hard, practiced a lot, got feedback, did the research, and developed an awareness of themselves. 
In this LAB/ by Teamlabs, you will get an opportunity to practice your public speaking and pitching and receive constructive feedback to help you develop an improvement strategy. 
While there have been arguments that a public speaking class is a waste of money, it still provides an opportunity for you to practice getting in front of a supportive crowd and develop the habits which will let you create and stick to a practice leading to improvement.
June 17th (Friday), from 16 to 20h
June 18th (Saturday), from 9 to 15h
Anyone who wants to discover ways or tools for public speaking & pitching. From executives to engineers, from editors to entrepreneurs, from echolocating dolphins to Echo and the Bunnymen: anyone can learn to pitch persuasively and present perfectly.
Andrew Peter Wallace McCarthy is a designer, consultant, facilitator, serial entrepreneur, innovation catalyst, and educator. He studied philosophy, political science, and the history of science and mathematics before becoming a creative director... as one does. Andrew has worked in his native New York and internationally as an art and creative director in multinationals and advising corporations on creativity, strategy, innovation processes, user experience, and design. He teaches creativity, design thinking, visual communications, and innovation in entrepreneurship as an Associate Professor and Academic Advisor at the Instituto de Empresa in Madrid, Spain and collaborates on educational ventures with the Impact Hub, Teamlabs, and Studio Banana. Andrew is an innovation, design, or user advocacy officer with various companies and mentor or advisor to a number of startups.